Compliance with Regulations
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Compliance with Regulations


The Eastern Caribbean Amalgamated Bank Limited (ECAB) is committed to being fully compliant with banking and tax regulations. To find out more about Common Reporting Standards (CRS) (including relevant tax forms and guidance) please visit the following links:

We may be contacting you to request further information or documentation in order to verify your tax status. Please note that you may receive more than one request for information if you have multiple relationships with the Bank. It is important that you respond to all requests for tax information even if you believe you have already supplied the requested information. If you have any further queries regarding CRS/FATCA or local legislation and your tax position, please contact a tax advisor, as ECAB cannot provide tax advice.



Effective February 2019, ALL customer account information must be updated to include Tax Residency Self-Certification Forms.

Don’t wait, make an appointment or visit any of our branches to complete the process.

To minimize wait time make an appointment by:

  • Calling 480-6148 to confirm a date and time for your appointment (All appointments will be held at the Coolidge Branch).
  • Select the Customer Information Requirements link and bring all listed documents to your appointment.   

Please note that accounts that have not been updated by the requested date may be set to inactive and require account update before the account can be reactivated.